Lonely Love
Här kommer en av mina dikter =D
Your eyes, green as the grass.
Your hair, dark as the night.
Your mouth, soft as the clouds on the sky.
I love to see you al the time.
In the night in the morning, al the time.
I can feel my heart beat every time you are hear.
I feel dizzy,
It feels like I’m flouting on clouds.
I want you to come and whisper in my ear:
Honey I love you.
Darling I lose control every time you are hear.
I wish that we are having the passion, that we once hade.
I just want to take you in my arms, and hug and kiss you
and I don’t want to let go.
I want to feel your arms around me.
Pleas don’t let go, pleas!
It can’t be us because the old times.
And every time I think about that I can feel tears on my cheek.
And I can feel my heart scream after you.
But I know that I can’t have you.
And I hate it, I hate to know that it wont be you and me,
Us together forever!
I love you to day,
To morrow,
For ever!
haha nämen är det inte lilla loll hhäär? :D
aa eller hur jag skulle också gjort det, vafan folk är knäppa nuförtiden :O